PIM Software

How PIM Software Can Help in Streamlining Product Catalogue Management

  1. Limitations of Traditional Catalog Management
  2. Benefits of PIM Software
  3. Streamline Your Catalogues with Ordazzle’s Product Information Management System today!

For e-Commerce companies, the value of customer-facing content can’t be overstated. It’s the sole conduit through which you can express the value of your product to your customers. Product catalogues have long been a popular way of bringing your products into your customers’ eyesight. 

However, their impact can be dampened when catalogue management is still controlled through legacy systems. Two simple reasons are the slow turnaround time and the highly manual process for updation. 

Fortunately, e-Commerce companies can put their product management on autopilot with dedicated PIM software.

Let’s understand some of the common challenges companies face with legacy catalogue systems and how product information management software helps companies improve their customer-facing content.

Limitations of Traditional Catalog Management

Reliance on manual processes and dated methodologies never go unpunished. e-Commerce companies that depend on legacy systems may never be able to make the most of their customer-facing content.  Here’s why:

  • Manual updates: Manually entering product data into your catalogues can be time-consuming and also opens room for errors
  • Not Scalable: As you add more products to your line of offerings, the catalogue will inevitably expand. Managing a growing catalogue with old systems is unsustainable as they don’t have the scalability and flexibility to allow you to adapt to your market’s needs. 
  • Multi-Channel Incompatibility: Modern businesses operate across multiple channels, especially e-Commerce. If you want to add or update your catalogue, changing the information across multiple channels without a specialised e-Commerce solution can be incredibly challenging. 
  • Decentralised Data: If your product catalogue sources product information from multiple sources, managing data can become increasingly complex and disorganised if it’s not centrally stored and managed, something which legacy systems don’t provide. This can lead to inaccuracies. 

These challenges can truly limit your business potential and, in the worst cases, also harm your reputation and customer satisfaction. A PIM software is a foolproof way to steer clear of these challenges and achieve proper, scalable, and multi-channel compatible catalogue management.

ALSO READ: Boost Your E-commerce Efficiency with AI-Powered PIM Systems

Benefits of PIM Software

Benefits of PIM Software

Here are some of the benefits product information management software offers over traditional and legacy systems: 

  • Centralised View of Data

The best functionality of a dedicated e-Commerce solution for product data management is centralisation—a broad, detailed video of the products, their attributes, the tagged information, and all the attached assets—the very things that your e-Commerce business runs on. 

With dedicated PIM software, you can organise things without having to gather them first. PIM automatically collates information from various sources, making it easy for your employees to access it for marketing purposes and create high-value customer-facing content. 

All in all, the quality centralisation brings to the table is consistency. 

  • Hassle-Free Product Addition and Updation

Updating product information is a regular task in e-Commerce. However, when you have a catalogue with hundreds or thousands of products, adding or refreshing information can take up a lot of time, resources, and effort. In massive catalogues, it’s downright impossible. 

PIM software allows for seamless product information updates across all channels and platforms. This helps save time and money when dealing with data errors, redundancies, and discrepancies. 

It also makes the addition of new products easier to publish, thereby reducing time-to-market. 

  • Omnichannel Efficiency

Fast time-to-market is essential in today’s break-neck e-Commerce age, where omnichannel presence has become key. PIM makes it easier to meet both business and consumer needs when it comes to speed. 

With multichannel publishing features, product information management software allows you to easily upload and update content across platforms. Customer-facing content reaches your audience faster without sacrificing quality. You can also share other marketing and educational collaterals, such as banners, images, product sheets, spec sheets, and videos. 

You can also time the content right for maximum impact on sales and customer satisfaction. With fast access to product information, customer support executives can also answer questions instantly. 

  • Strong Backend Support

PIM software powers a well-structured backend system that vastly improves customer-facing features and operations. 

It organises your product framework with detailed metadata, creating a robust system for employees to use assets effectively. This improves the strategy for customer-facing content. 

For online product pages and catalogues, PIM helps customers find products easily based on their needs. Proper categorisation allows customers to inspect and analyse products efficiently without wasting time. 

Ultimately, PIM supports your business in delivering content that meets customer expectations, enhancing their overall experience.

Streamline Your Catalogues with Ordazzle’s Product Information Management System today!

Effectively handle your products and customer-facing content with Ordazzle’s end-to-end product information management software and system. 

Streamline the entire product development and management process, from creation to publication, using a centralised, multichannel compatible system that reduces manual tasks and opens up time and resources for you to channel where it matters the most.  

Simplify the sharing of accurate product information for efficient catalogue management today with Ordazzle. Connect with us to learn more.

Real-time customer experience focuses on immediate, responsive interactions, setting a high bar for service and satisfaction in the fast-paced world of quick commerce.

Let Ordazzle help you service these evolved consumer expectations in an efficient, fast, and effective way with Ordazzle’s end-to-end e-Commerce management platform. Request a Demo to learn more about our platform’s capabilities.