E-commerce Order Management Systems

How Enterprise E-commerce Order Management Systems Facilitate Omnichannel Selling for Large-scale Online Brands

E-commerce is no longer as simple as having one website where you list your products. With the advancement of technology, brands have started using different platforms to market their products. From social media to marketplaces, from websites to apps, you have to be present everywhere.

The key to success lies in adopting omnichannel strategies that integrate various touch points and provide customers with consistent interactions. At the heart of this process is the implementation of robust order management systems. Both go hand-in-hand. Trying to implement one without the other can be difficult.

In this blog, we will delve into the role of order management systems in supporting omnichannel strategies and explore how they help create a seamless and consistent shopping experience across sales channels.

Understanding omnichannel selling

Omnichannel selling refers to the practice of integrating different sales channels, such as brick-and-mortar stores, websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and marketplaces, to provide customers with a consistent shopping experience. Rather than operating in isolation, these channels work together to create a seamless journey for customers. This enables them to research, browse, purchase, and receive products through their preferred channels.

Why is this important?

If you’ve noticed, the attention span of customers has gone down significantly over the years. With more and more new brands cropping up every day, there is immense competition to capture your customer’s attention. Pursuing an omnichannel strategy, therefore, makes sense.

What is the importance of order management systems?

Order management systems play a crucial role in enabling you to effectively implement omnichannel strategies. These systems act as the backbone of the e-commerce infrastructure, seamlessly connecting various sales channels, inventory systems, and fulfilment processes.

Let’s explore the key benefits of using order management systems for omnichannel selling.

  1. Centralised inventory management
    A robust order management system provides real-time visibility into inventory levels across sales channels. This centralised view helps prevent overselling or stock outs. Customers can purchase without bothering about availability, regardless of the channel they choose. Accurate inventory management leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased sales, and lower operational costs.

  2. Unified order processing
    Order management systems facilitate streamlined order processing by consolidating orders from various channels into a single system. This consolidation can allow you to fulfil orders more efficiently, reducing fulfilment time and costs.

    Additionally, you can make pricing consistent, and offer promotions and discounts across channels, providing a holistic experience to customers.

  3. Seamless fulfilment
    Efficient order fulfilment is critical for delivering a seamless omnichannel experience. Order management systems automate the routing of orders to the optimal fulfilment location, whether it’s a warehouse, store, or drop-ship vendor.

    By leveraging advanced algorithms and rules, you can optimise inventory allocation and fulfilment speed. This ensures orders are shipped from the most appropriate location in terms of distance and that they optimise delivery in line with customer expectations.

  4. Real-time order tracking
    Transparency and visibility are the key components of a prudent omnichannel strategy. Order management systems facilitate real-time order tracking, allowing customers to monitor the status of their orders regardless of the channel they used for purchase. This enhances customer trust, reduces support inquiries, and enables you to communicate proactively throughout the fulfilment process.

  5. Data-driven insights
    Order management systems generate a wealth of data related to customer behaviour, sales trends, and inventory management.

    By leveraging analytics and reporting features, you can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, optimise inventory planning, and make data-driven decisions to enhance omnichannel experience. These insights also help in identifying cross-selling and upselling opportunities across channels.


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, you must adopt effective omnichannel strategies to provide customers with a seamless and consistent shopping experience. Order management systems serve as a vital tool in bridging the gap between various sales channels. This is essential for the success of a multi-channel e-commerce strategy.

If you’re looking for a full-service order management system that can support your business as you grow, check out Ordazzle. The platform offers full functionality from order processing to inventory management, allowing you to sync orders received across sales channels to be collated on a single dashboard.